Thursday, March 17, 2011

happy birthday to my c0mel2 sayang!!

disebabkan terlalu sibuk dengan assigment and lab rep0rt..aku da terlewat nak buat special entry utk my dear sayang darling SITI MERRYAN DIAMI*da masuk 17mac p0n..

s0rry yunk..da la semalam aku lewat wish..memang patut kena hantukkan kepala aku kat dinding kot..perbuatan yg paling tak patut k0 buat nana!!sebab nak tebus salah,aku stop jap buat lab report ni just to post entry KHAS utk kamu my sayang..


My Friend,
my companion,
through good times and bad
my friend, my buddy,
through happy and sad,
beside me you stand,
beside me you walk,
you're there to listen,
you're there to talk,
with happiness, with smiles,
with pain and tears,
I know you'll be there,

throughout the years!

you are like a star to me..i don't always see you,but i know you are always be there~click to know more about my sayang!!

p/s : good luck for your midterm exam dear..i'll always pray for your success..x0x0~ 

1 comment:

  1. ouch!saya tersentuh la syg...hehe..aleviu more3!!!
    nk hugs u banyak2 nt ketemu ya?mmuah3!!!
